Dear Aloha
About the Film
"Aloha sustains Hawaiians by reminding us who we are.”
Leialoha Kaʻula
Dear Aloha is a short documentary profiling Diasporic Hawaiians living thousands of miles away from home. Dear Aloha shows how aloha sustains our people amidst distance, loss, and longing. Supported by PBS and Firelight Media.


Along with the film, The Dear Aloha website is dedicated to resources to understanding the Hawaiian Diaspora, travel more sustainably, and provide a healing space for generational trauma.
What is the Hawaiian Diaspora?
Learn more now
What does it mean, and why should we care? Native Hawaiians reflect on its importance in contemporary Hawaiʻi.
Dear Aloha Film
Register for our special in-person screenings, film festivals, and events.
Mental Health Resources
Coming Soon
Mental Health support for Pacific Islander community and Diasporic ʻohana
Travel to Hawai'i
How to visit the islands mindfully and respectfully. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.
Host a Screening
We are dedicated to providing trauma-informed screenings for the public, and for those interested in authentic understanding of Hawaiʻi. Please contact us if you're interested in learning more!
Support the movement
By donating today, you play a vital role in supporting our mission to bring healing to our communities and shift the narrative of Hawai‘i. Every contribution, big or small, helps us share this Native story and our mental health events across the continent and beyond. We are committed to creating intentional, meaningful content that will resonate with our Pacific Islander ʻohana and all those who love Hawai‘i.
Mahalo nui loa for your kokua!